Here is our list of the best online minute to win it games.
Online minute to win it games are competitions held via video call in which contestants participate in 60-second challenges. Examples of such games include Tic Tac Toe, Cup Tower, and Backward ABC. The purpose of these activities is to enhance collaboration among students, adults, and office employees. These games teach time management skills and boost confidence.
Your team can play online games on Google Meet, Zoom, or Microsoft Teams. You can host game nights for large groups that promote team building.
This list includes:
- free online minute to win it games
- online minute to win it games for adults
- online minute to win it games for students
Let’s get started!
List of online minute to win it games
Online minute to win it games have become the new norm of activities and games after the popular TV show Minute To Win It.
To help you with the process of organizing such games, here is our list of the best online minute to win it games for adults, students, and employees.
1. Cup Tower
Cup Tower is among the best free online minute to win it games. You can play this game as a team or compete against each other. In the team version, one player from each team will come to play the game, and the marks they get will be added to the team score. However, in the individual version, each participant will get individual points.
The game requires ten cups, and each team should have specific terms for their participants. For example, one participant will be “player one,” and the other will be “player two.” Assigning names will help ensure the participants’ performance easily over a video call. Also, these names will distinguish the two teams as this is not an in-person activity in which participants stand at separate tables.
Here is how you can play the game:
- To play this game, start a Zoom call, and invite the participants.
- The players should turn on their cameras and have a flat surface to play the game.
- When the timer starts, players of the two teams will stack ten cups to make a tower. To build a perfect pyramid, the base should consist of four cups, followed by three cups, then two, then one on top.
All these steps should occur in under a minute, and if players drop their cups while forming a tower, they will have to start again. Note that players cannot start from the point they dropped the cup. The player will have to rebuild the whole tower from scratch if they drop only one cup.
2. State of Fun
State of Fun is a game that works best for students and teenagers. This game can be played head-to-head or with teams. This competition will encourage students to use their thinking skills and recall what they learned in school.
In this activity, each participant will open Microsoft Word or Google Docs. Then, the players will write down the names of as many states or countries as they can in under a minute. The player who has written the most locations after the timer goes off wins.
3. Tic Tac Toe
Tic Tac Toe is a fun game for remote teams. In this game, the host will share their screen on a video call. The host should display a digital whiteboard. However, you can also choose to play this game on your browser.
As this game is designed for a limited number of players, it is better to make teams of two. Each team will take turns drawing on the digital whiteboard. Players will draw either an X or O in the boxes. The players must stop each other from making a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line. However, the player who makes the line wins. If no player can draw a line, then it is a tie.
Play browser-friendly Tic Tac Toe.
4. Flip Cup
Flip Cup is a fun online minute to win it game. In the online version of this game, participants will need to bring their own water and five plastic cups.
Before the call, players will fill their cups with water. Then, the host will start a video call, and all participants will join the session. The host will also use a stopwatch and set the timer to one minute. All players start together. The participants drink from each cup and place it upside down on a table or desk. The players will then flip their cups upright. If the cup falls over, then players must set it back upside down and try to flip it over again.
The player who drinks water from all the cups and flip them upright in under a minute wins. However, if none of the players completes the challenge, the player with the most flipped cups is the winner.
5. This Blows
This Blows is a fun and exciting game for adults and students. Before starting the Zoom session, the participants must gather ten plastic cups and one balloon.
When the session starts, the participants will turn on their cameras and place ten cups horizontally on the table. Then, players blow up their balloons and use them to knock the cups off the table in under a minute.
Once the timer goes off, the player who has knocked down the most cups wins. You can also vary the difficulty level of this game by changing the number of cups that have to be taken down.
6. Anagrams
Anagrams is different from other minute to win it games because it requires creative problem-solving skills.
In this game, the participants will join a Zoom session, and you will provide them with a fun word or phrase. The task is to shuffle up the letters of the provided words to create anagrams. Here is an example: You can assign the word “table” to the participants, and they will make anagrams from it. For example, the word “table” can have anagrams like “bleat” and “a belt.” A better idea is to give words that can be used to make a maximum number of anagrams.
The player who makes the most anagrams in under 60 seconds will win the game. You can also use an online anagram generator to help you develop prompts, making it one of the best free online minutes to win it games.
Learn more about a free online anagram generator.
7. Chopstick Typing
Chopstick Typing tests the coordination and typing skills of the participants. You can create a separate chat room for this game or send a Google Doc to the players. All participants need to have two chopsticks.
When the game starts, you will provide the players with a paragraph to type. However, the participants will type with chopsticks instead of their fingers. When one minute is up, the participants will stop. You can choose your preferred criteria for selecting the winner in this game. The winner can either be based on the participant who made the fewest mistakes while typing or wrote the most sentences. A better idea is to combine both elements and give marks on both aspects to select the winner.
You will be surprised by how funny the game gets and how many typing mistakes some players might make. These aspects make it among the best online minute to win it games for adults and students.
8. Draw Dem Circles
For this game, you will need a digital whiteboard, or you can use Microsoft Paint as well. When the players join the Zoom session, have them draw 50 circles in under 60 seconds. The player who manages to complete the task first or who draws the most circles in the given time will be the winner.
9. Nose Dive
Nose Dive is a funny game that is great for childlike fun!
The players will prepare a lip balm or Vaseline, cotton, and a bowl beforehand in this game. Then, when the participants join the Zoom session, they will turn on their videos and prepare for the game.
The participants will rub some lip balm or Vaseline on their noses. Then, players will place two bowls adjacent to each other. One bowl contains cotton balls, and the other is empty. The task for this game is for players to pick up the cotton balls using only their noses and transfer as many cotton balls as they can to the empty bowl.
When the timer stops, the player who moves the most cotton balls to the empty bowl in under a minute will win the game.
10. Suck It Up
Suck It Up is one of the most common online and in-person minute to win it games.
Players will need M&Ms, a straw, and two plates to join the video session.
Competitors will start by setting the plates up side by side. Players will then put the same number of M&Ms on one plate. The task is to use the straw to suck up the M&Ms and move them to the empty plate. The player who gets the most M&Ms transferred in under 60 seconds will win the game.
11. Battle Of The Bands
If you have music lovers on your team, then Battle Of The Bands is the right game for them!
In this game, you will invite all participants to a video call. Then, you will give a random letter, and the participants will guess the maximum number of artists or band names starting with that letter.
You can also make the game more interesting by asking the members to choose a band name starting with the letter and then list the band’s top songs. The team that guesses the band’s name and also writes the songs of that band will get the most points. Working in teams ensures collaboration and makes this game simple.
You can also allow the participants to sing songs of the bands or artists over the video call. The music lovers on your team will surely love this idea!
12. Book Balance
The rules of this game are simple. Players join the video session and balance a book on their heads for a minute. The player who balances the book for the full 60 seconds wins the game. To make the game competitive, ask the players to suspend more than one book on their heads.
13. Backward ABC
Backward ABC is one of the most entertaining online minute to win it games for adults. In this game, you will invite all participants to a Zoom session. Then, each player will recite the alphabet backward, starting from the letter Z.
You can also bring a twist to the game in the online version. Instead of saying the alphabet out loud, you can create a separate chat room and ask the participants to type each letter of the alphabet backward. The participants will get one minute to type.
The player who successfully completes the task in under a minute will win the game. To make the game extra competitive, players can start with a random letter other than Z.
14. Bag Of Marshmallows
This game is excellent for students and teenagers. The objective of this game is to make a marshmallow snowman. You will ask participants to bring a bag of marshmallows to the video session. When the game starts, players will get one minute to stack the marshmallows and create a snowman. To make the game easier, you can allow participants to use toothpicks to stick the marshmallows together.
All players will start together, and when one minute is over, they must stop making the snowman. If any participant has completed the snowman, then they win. However, if none of the competitors completed the snowman, then the one with the best snowman will win the game.
15. Math Facts
Math Facts is a great online game for school and college students. The difficulty level of the questions will vary depending on the age of the students. In this game, you will invite the participants to a Zoom session and ask basic or advanced math questions. You can also stick to math facts to avoid going into complicated calculations.
If you are dealing with long questions, then you can allow the participants to use a paper and calculator to find the answer. However, the best idea is to ask basic questions like, “What is 10 times 35?” Then, the students can answer such questions without needing a paper or calculator.
Each student will get one minute to answer as many math questions as possible. The student who answers the most questions will win the game.
16. Cookie Face
Cookie Face is a funny online minute to win it game that can leave the participants laughing until the end.
In this game, ask the participants to order or bake some cookies. When the game starts, players will place a cookie on their foreheads. Then, without the help of their hands, participants must get the cookie in their mouths in under a minute. If the cookie falls from the contestant’s face, then they get another chance, but they will start again by placing the cookie on their forehead.
The player who completes this task first will win the game.
17. Balloon Defying Gravity
Each player will bring an inflated balloon to the video session in this activity. When the timer starts, all players will throw the balloon up, and their task will be to keep it in the air. However, participants cannot use their hands to touch the balloon to keep it in the air. Instead, competitors can use their heads, noses, or even elbows to keep the balloon floating! The player who successfully completes the task for a full minute will win the game.
If you are playing this game with students, you can slightly bend the rules and allow one or both hands.
18. Penny Tower
You can have fun with pennies in this game. This activity will also reveal which participant has the best collection of pennies!
Players will bring a set of pennies to the online video session. The task is to stack as many pennies as possible in under a minute to form a tower. However, players can only use one hand to stack the pennies. If the tower falls, then the player will build it again from scratch.
The player who manages to stack more pennies will win the game. You can have the participants use their nondominant hands to make the game extra challenging.
19. Toss ‘Em
Toss’ Em is a fun game that uses participants’ concentration skills. Contestants will need ten pieces of candy and a plastic cup.
Participants will stand five feet from their laptop screen in this game. The players will place the cup in front of the camera and hold the candy.
As the timer starts, players will start throwing candies into the plastic cup from a distance. If the cup falls, then the player gets eliminated. The contestant who gets all ten candies into their cup first wins!
Online minute to win it games are a great way to have fun with your employees, friends, and family. The games introduce challenges that enhance brain functions, promote cooperation, and help you connect with other players. The best thing about these games is that you can organize multiple activities in a short session, providing participants with maximum benefits.
You may find out more about your hidden talents by playing these games. The games will also serve as a gateway to bond with fellow participants outside of day-to-day life.
You can play online minute to win it games through video-calling platforms, such as Zoom, Google Meet, Facetime, Skype, and Microsoft Teams. The games included in this article can help the participants remain active through complex challenges that promote physical and mental activity.
Next, check out our articles on virtual team building activities, icebreakers, and Friday night activities.