12 Fun Google Meet Games to Play with Remote Teams

Team Building Resources
Team Building Resources February 01, 2023 12 Fun Google Meet Games to Play with Remote Teams

Here is our list of the best Google meet games.

Google meet games are games or activities that teammates or remote teams can play on the Google Meet platform. Examples include Around the World, Sudoku, and Guess the Closet. These activities aim to engage teammates or colleagues and make virtual meetings more fun.

These challenges are examples of online team games, virtual team building activities, and ways to team build with remote staff.

This list includes:

  • Google Meet trivia games
  • interactive Google Meet games
  • Google Meet activities

Here we go!

List of Google Meet games

From Name the Tune to Sudoku to Guess the Closet, here is our list of fun Google Meet games.

1. Sudoku

Sudoku is a game of logic that requires players to fill in random numbers to complete a sequence. Playing this number challenge with colleagues can be great fun.

To play:

  1. Any teammate experienced in playing Sudoku will take a few minutes to educate the rest of the players about the game.
  2. Players will then choose an online game platform to play.
  3. The teammates will choose their desired difficulty level and fill in the nine by nine grid to complete the game sequence.
  4. The teammates can play in groups to solve the game faster.
  5. The first group to complete wins.
  6. To make the game more exciting, you can set a timer for five to ten minutes, depending on the game’s difficulty.
  7. The groups must work fast to submit a wholly filled grid within the allocated time.

Sudoku is a game that will improve the teammates thinking skills and promote a healthier mindset. The game is highly competitive and will foster healthy competition between colleagues. The game’s goal is for the players to correctly fill the grids with numbers one to nine, following a sequence or pattern. The teammates may start off easy if there are players who do not understand the game, then progress to higher difficulty levels once the teammates grasp the game.

Here is a free multiplayer online Sudoku game.

2. A Long Tale

A Long Tale is an exciting activity that requires teammates to create a story. In this activity, teammates will create an ongoing tale as a team.

To play:

  1. The first player will begin the tale with a sentence and stop randomly.
  2. The second player will then continue this tale with a random sentence of their own.
  3. The teammates will keep taking turns adding funny, outrageous, scary, or horrifying subsequent sentences to the tale.
  4. The players will continue in this fashion until the story reaches a natural end.
  5. The tale can be as outrageous or as funny as the teammates make it.

This activity challenges teammates’ wits and encourages them to work hand in hand to achieve a common goal.

3. Guess the Closet

Guess the Closet is a game that invites remote teammates to show off their living spaces. In this activity, teammates will share pictures of their closets, and the players must match the coworker with the cupboard.

To play:

  1. Have every team member share a picture of their closets.
  2. Then, each teammate will take turns guessing who each closet belongs to.
  3. The player with the most correct guess wins.

This activity is fun as teammates will be able to identify each closer through their colleagues’ style of style. For example, a peek at a shoe, a loose scarf, and even a sweater can be a simple marker to identify a colleague’s closet.

Pro tip: To make the game extra fun, players can add props to make the photos funnier and can show off their zaniest outfits.

4. Around the World

Around the World is one of the best icebreaker activities for teammates. In this game, the teammates will spell out the words “Around the World” by naming countries representing each word’s letters.

To play:

  1. Ensure that the teammates understand the rules of the game.
  2. Then, the players will take turns naming a country representing each of the letters in “Around the World.”
  3. For example, the first player names a place that starts with “A,” such as Angola. The second player names a place that begins with “R,” and the third player names a place that starts with “O,” until they finish spelling out the words.
  4. Any player that fails to name a place will be out of the game.

This activity is an exciting way for teammates to learn about new countries. You can make this game even more exciting by encouraging teammates to name the capitals of the countries they call out. This game is a great learning experience for employees and an opportunity for teammates to interact and get to know each other.

5. The Runway Show

The Runway Show is an exciting game in which coworkers or colleagues can participate on the Google Meet platform. This activity requires the teammates to dress their best to the given theme.

To organize this event:

  1. The teammates will agree on a theme several days before to give all attendees enough time to prepare their costumes. For example, the employees may choose a 1950’s theme for the event.
  2. The teammates will agree on a date to host the game via the Google Meet platform.
  3. The teammates will display their costumes and catwalk as if they are on the runway.
  4. The teammates will get bonus points on every fierce pose they strike. These poses apply to both genders.
  5. The best costumes and most dramatic poses will win the game.

This activity will cause loud bouts of laughter as the teammates pose and get glamorous. The players can also choose a host to quiz their teammates on topics related to the given theme to make the game even more fun. This activity promotes friendship and camaraderie between teammates and is a good way for employees to unwind after work. It is best if the teammates set this activity for the weekend when all the employees have enough time to plan and prepare.

6. Name the Tune

Name the Tune is one of the best Google Meet activities for small groups who enjoy good music.

To play:

  1. Share a small music video or audio clip via the in-app screen-sharing feature.
  2. The attendees will need to guess the title of the song and the person who sang it.
  3. Teammates type their guesses into the chat.
  4. The first player to answer correctly wins the round.
  5. To make the game even more fun, pause the music at random intervals and have the players sing to complete the song.
  6. The players will get one point for singing the song correctly and three points if they can also guess the title of the song and the artist who sang it correctly.

This game is a fun way for music lovers to engage and interact before or after a meeting on Google Meet. This activity is also a great way for teammates to learn about each other’s music preferences and build friendships between coworkers.

7. Test of Knowledge

Test of Knowledge is one of the best Google Meet trivia games for teammates or coworkers. In this game, the teammates will answer various questions using the in-app live polls.

To play:

  1. The teammates will choose a leader to oversee the game.
  2. The leader will prepare a set of multiple-choice questions before the start of the meeting. The questions may be related to work, food, sports, entertainment, or history.
  3. The leader will ask the questions and use the live polls to display a set of possible answers.
  4. The teammates will choose the answers they think best, and at the end, the leader will display the answers for all to see.
  5. The leader will give points to the players for every correct answer, and at the end of the game, the player with the highest point wins.

This game is a fantastic opportunity for teammates to test their knowledge on several topics. This activity also encourages teammates to interact and get to know each other better.

8. Charades

Charades are one of the best interactive Google Meet games for workers. In this classic game, the players must silently act out a prompt, and their teammates must guess the phrase correctly.

To play:

  1. Share the attendees into groups of three or four.
  2. Each group will choose a player to represent the team.
  3. The player will act out an assigned prompt, for example, “riding a bike.”
  4. The teammates need to guess how the player is acting correctly.
  5. If an opposing team member guesses the player’s teammates, they will lose the point.
  6. The teammates have only 60 seconds to guess, and if they don’t get it right, the next team will get a chance to steal.
  7. The game will continue in this manner for several turns.
  8. At the end of the game, the team with the highest point wins.

This activity encourages teammates to work together and fosters friendships between teammates. The exercise also helps coworkers learn to read body language over Google Meet. This game is fun and exciting as the teammates yell and offer answers to win the round in time.

9. The Da Vinci Project

The Da Vinci Project is a therapeutic art project that teammates can organize on Google Meet. In this activity, the teammates will create beautiful portraits of each other.

To organize this activity:

  1. Send some painting supplies to the teammates or encourage the teammates to get some painting materials before the event.
  2. The teammates will gather on the Google Meet platform at an agreed time.
  3. The teammates will make an artist pose and freeze for 30 to 60 seconds.
  4. The meeting host will take a severe shot of the screen while the teammates freeze.
  5. The host will send the screenshot to each of the attendees.
  6. The attendees will turn on their cameras and set up their painting frames and position their cameras such that the rest of the team can see them painting.
  7. The teammates will choose another team member from the screenshot and paint them as they posed in the image.
  8. The host will stream nice calm music and share as the teammates paint.
  9. The teammates have one hour to finish their paintings and identify the teammate they painted.
  10. The teammate with the best painting wins.

This activity is fun and exciting for teammates to show off their artistic talents. This exercise will foster good work relationships as teammates interact and engage after painting each other. You can also encourage the teammates to get a glass of their favorite beverage as they paint.

10. Two Truths and a Lie

Two Truths and a Lie is a fun and interactive game that teammates can use to get to know each other better. In this game, players will tell two truths and one lie, and teammates will need to guess what the lie is.

To play:

  1. The teammates will choose an order in which to play to avoid confusion.
  2. A player will tell two truths and one lie.
  3. The other teammates will guess which statement is a lie and send their answer via the comment box.
  4. The first teammate to answer correctly gets a point.
  5. The game will continue this way until the teammates have had several turns.
  6. At the end of the game, the player with the highest number of points wins.

This activity helps teammates discover things they may have in common and encourages them to get to know themselves better. This game also serves as an opportunity for teammates to engage and have fun.

11. Themed Treasure Hunt

Themed Treasure Hunts are exciting games that require teammates to find specific items related to the chosen theme.

To play:

  1. Set up a theme for the event or choose several during the event.
  2. The host will choose one theme per round. For example, the theme for the first round of the game can be “school.”
  3. The teammates will have 60 seconds to gather as many items as possible related to the given theme.
  4. The teammates can bring no less than five items related to the theme.
  5. The first teammate to find these items within the allocated time wins that round.
  6. After that, the teammates will choose another theme and play again.
  7. The teammate with the highest point at the end of the event wins.

This activity is fun and thrilling and helps teammates engage and interact with each other. This game also fosters good work relationships between teammates.

12. Would You Rather?

Would You Rather is a fun and interactive game that small groups can play on Google Meet. In this game, the players can choose between two unappealing options. The teammates must choose one of the two options regardless of how nasty, scary or unpleasant they may sound.

Example prompts:

  • Would you rather be trapped at the edge of a cliff or on a sinking ship?
  • Would you rather be wealthy for an entire year or remain poor forever?
  • Would you rather be invisible or be able to rewind time?
  • Would you rather work from home or at the office?
  • Would you rather travel by air or by water?
  • Would you rather be famous or unknown?

This activity helps teammates get to know more about themselves and the choices they may make in different situations. This game also fosters good communication and friendly relationships between teammates and colleagues. You can organize this game as an icebreaker activity for long meetings or at the end of the meeting to encourage attendees to engage with each other.


Google Meet games are fun and exciting games and activities that teammates and coworkers can play on the Google Meet platform.

These activities include trivia, treasure hunts, and other games encouraging players to interact, engage and bond with each other. Some examples of these games include the Da Vinci Project, Sudoku, and Would You Rather?  These games help to foster good relationships between coworkers and help teammates to unwind after work.

Next, check out methods for making virtual meetings fun and more remote games for large groups.

FAQ: Google Meet games

Here are some frequently asked questions about Google Meet games.

What are Google Meet games? 

Google Meet games are fun and interactive games that teammates can play on Google Meet. These games foster good work relationships between teammates and help teammates unwind.

How do you play games on Google Meet? 

To play games on Google Meet, send all the teammates invites, choose a set of games to play, and also that all the players understand the game’s rules. Also, ensure that the teammates have the necessary tools to play the game. Finally, for best results, use the platform’s tools, such as virtual whiteboards, breakout rooms, chat box, and polling to encourage interaction, participation, and maximum player engagement.

What are some good games to play on Google Meet?

Some good games to play on Google Meet with coworkers include Sudoku, Quiz Up, and the Da Vinci Project.

written with 💖 by Tasia Duske

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