22 Fun Team Meeting Ideas & Activities

Team Building Resources
Team Building Resources November 20, 2023 22 Fun Team Meeting Ideas & Activities

Here is our list of the best fun meeting ideas and activities.

Fun meeting ideas are exciting activities and games that help to make team meetings fun and engaging. Examples include Bad Joke Contest, Dress Up Day, and Have You Ever. These activities help create a fun work environment and give teammates the chance to get to know each other better. You can also utilize these creative exercises to develop business ideas or check in on your team.

Fun team meeting ideas are similar to Zoom meeting ideas, meeting tips for remote teams, and tips on making virtual meetings fun. Utilizing these productivity hacks encourages teams to have fun at work.

This list includes:

  • cool meeting ideas
  • fun team meeting games
  • positive staff meeting ideas
  • fun team meeting check in ideas
  • fun weekly team meeting ideas
  • fun virtual team meeting ideas

Let’s get started!

List of fun meeting ideas and activities

From Kudos Corner to Guess the Location to Copycat Game, here are examples of fun ideas for team meetings.

1. Time Bomb

Time Bomb is a fun game where players must come up with several words relating to a specific topic. This game helps employees brainstorm during new projects and helps colleagues develop perfect words for their presentations.

To organize this activity:

  1. Write down topics related to a project. For instance, the participants can choose topics such as finances, digital marketing, and promotion.
  2. Sit in a large circle.
  3. Play some mellow music.
  4. Choose an order in which to play.
  5. Choose a topic.
  6. Give the first player a ball. The player must then say a word that relates to the chosen topic before passing the ball to the next participant. For instance, if the teammates choose “marketing” as their topic, then the players can offer words like fliers, banners, or radio adverts.
  7. Play will continue in this manner until all the participants get a turn.

To make this game even more exciting, you can pause the song at random intervals, and any player holding the ball when the music stops gets knocked out of the game. This game is a great way for colleagues to share ideas and find solutions to pressing problems. This activity also gives every member of the team a chance to contribute.

2. The Genie’s Bottle

The Genie’s Bottle is a fun game of chance where teammates must draw three random ideas from a bowl and use them to develop a project. This game helps employees develop strong critical thinking skills and makes it easier for coworkers to bond over shared ideas.

To organize this activity:

  1. Give each participant three slips of paper.
  2. Participants must write down three unique ideas related to the company’s goals. For instance, a player may write, “Create a social media campaign to announce a new product.”
  3. The players must ensure they do not share their ideas with other participants.
  4. The colleagues will then toss their slips into a bowl and toss to shuffle the ideas.
  5. A teammate will then randomly draw three slips from the bowl.
  6. The colleagues will read the ideas and try to create a project out of all three ideas, no matter how different.
  7. Give players 20 to 30 minutes to develop a wholesome idea that will fit all three suggestions.
  8. The players can create a vision board and a plan to carry out these ideas.

This activity is an excellent way to create an innovative and collaborative workforce. You can even use this activity to develop solutions to pressing problems in an organization or company.

3. Draw Your Feelings

If you host meetings often, then it can be important to see how your meeting attendees feel. This action shows that you care about your staff members and their interests. When searching for fun team meeting check in ideas, be sure to consider Draw Your Feelings.

Here is how to host this activity:

  1. Give participants a pen and sticky note.
  2. If attendees are comfortable sharing, then have them write their names at the top of the note.
  3. Ask each participant to draw a picture representing their feelings toward the meeting topic. This activity works best if you choose a particular category, such as cars, flowers, or food.
  4. Give attendees a few minutes to complete their drawings.
  5. When employees finish drawing, gather the sticky notes.
  6. Put the sticky notes up on a board in front of the meeting.
  7. The drawings will give you a sense of attendees’ attitudes. For example, a worker who is not excited about the topic may draw a car with a flat tire. Alternatively, an employee who is ready to get started may draw a racecar.
  8. You can use these reactions to gauge how long the meeting should last and what future meeting topics should look like.

Checking in with your team often is essential to running successful meetings. Such activities can help inform your meeting and project topics. Additionally, you will know if staff are largely uninspired by your topic, which can encourage conversations about the company’s goals.

4. Kudos Corner

Kudos Corner is a great activity where employees get to praise and appreciate each other for their contributions at work or for unique attributes they admire about each other. This activity is a great way to help boost employees’ self-confidence and improve team morale.

To organize this activity:

  1. Arrange a couple of chairs in a circle.
  2. The teammates will sit and write their names on tiny scraps of paper.
  3. Put the names in a bowl and toss to shuffle.
  4. Pass the bowl around, and each player will pick a piece of paper.
  5. Set a timer for ten to 20 seconds.
  6. The player will take turns giving a shout-out to colleagues, praising them for characteristics they admire, and appreciating them for their contributions and efforts in the team.
  7. The game will continue in this manner until each player gets a turn.

This activity is one of the best fun weekly team meeting ideas because it helps foster camaraderie in the office and makes it easy for colleagues to build good work relationships. This exercise can be one of the most impactful team meeting ideas.

5. Company Alma Mater

Creating a Company Alma Mater is like making a special song or chant for your work family.

To organize this activity:

  1. Split players into small groups.
  2. Set a timer for ten to 15 minutes.
  3. Players can use a popular tune or come up with their own music.
  4. Teams work together to write lyrics about the company’s values, culture, and goals.
  5. After the time is up, folks perform their songs for the team.
  6. Employees vote on their favorite song, which becomes the company anthem!

This activity is a fun way to express what makes the company special and helps colleagues feel connected.

6. Random Acts of Kindness Challenge

The Random Acts of Kindness Challenge is about doing nice deeds for others without expecting anything in return.

To organize this activity:

  1. Give teams a list of kind deeds, like helping a colleague or the community.
  2. Set a date team members should finish by.
  3. Participants will choose at least three of the listed tasks to complete.
  4. Have members take notes on the experience.
  5. Get the group back together for a meeting to discuss the good deeds and how they felt completing them.

The goal is to spread joy and positivity. This challenge makes folks feel good and strengthens the bonds between team members. Best of all, you can host this activity multiple times!

7. Trading Game

The Trading Game is an interactive team building activity that promotes negotiation skills and teamwork.

To organize this activity:

  1. Give each player a small, seemingly insignificant item, such as a paperclip.
  2. Set a timer for 15 to 20 minutes.
  3. Players must trade items with other colleagues in the office to get the most valuable item possible.
  4. For instance, participants can trade a paperclip for a rubber band, a rubber band for a pen, a pen for a stapler, and so on.
  5. Once time is up, players meet back up.
  6. Whoever has the most valuable item wins!

This activity encourages strategic thinking and effective communication. Also, folks will get to talk to different colleagues throughout the office that they may not normally interact with.

8. Paper Bag Skits

Paper Bag Skits is one of the best ways to have fun and be creative during team building! Each team gets a paper bag with random objects, and the challenge is to make a short, funny skit using those items.

To organize this activity:

  1. Gather random items from around the office, like staplers, paper clips, and rubber bands.
  2. Put the items into paper bags.
  3. Split players into teams.
  4. Give each team a paper bag.
  5. Set a timer for ten minutes.
  6. Teams have ten minutes to create a skit using all of the objects in their bags.
  7. Groups will take turns putting on their performances.
  8. Audiences will vote on the best skit, and the winners will receive a prize!

This game is a great way to think outside the box, work together, and create funny stories on the spot. This activity is all about quick thinking and having a good time, creating a lively vibe that boosts teamwork and creativity.

9. Bad Joke Contest

Bad Joke Contest is a great activity where employees compete against each other to share silly jokes. Jokes make great icebreakers for meetings and conferences, so you can use this activity to find your next meeting opener.

To organize this activity:

  1. Encourage the players to curate a list of the corniest jokes they can think of.
  2. Set a timer for three minutes.
  3. The players will take turns telling their jokes.
  4. When the participants finish telling their jokes, teammates will vote for the silliest joke.
  5. The player with the most votes wins the contest.

This activity is a great way to promote humor and improve communication.

10. Guess the Location

Guess the Location is an exciting game where employees explore the world’s beauty from the comfort of their homes. Teammates will need to guess a location following certain clues and hints.

To organize this activity:

  1. Open and set up the GeoGuessr website.
  2. Split players into two teams.
  3. Choose which mode you would like to play on. You can choose to play against the clock or explore maps at your own pace.
  4. The meeting host will click through the locations.
  5. Teams will guess the location on the screen.
  6. The host will click a spot to reveal the answer. Then, the host can use Google Maps to determine how close each team was to the correct response.
  7. Whichever team was closer wins a point.
  8. At the end of the game, the team with the most points wins.

To make this activity more engaging, you can reward the employee that guesses accurately even if their team did not win. This activity is one of the best cool meeting ideas because it promotes teamwork and improves team performance.

Learn more about GeoGuessr.

11. Have You Ever

Have You Ever is a fun game where employees listen and respond to questions they can relate to. You can use this game to learn more about colleagues’ work styles and personalities.

To organize this activity:

  1. Write down “have you ever” questions. For example, have you ever gone to the movies alone? Have you ever fallen asleep while talking to a client on the phone? Have you ever been late to work?
  2. At the start of the game, each player will hold up five fingers.
  3. The first player will ask a random “have you ever” question, and all other participants who can relate to the prompt will drop a finger.
  4. The next player will also have to turn and ask a question.
  5. The game will continue in that manner until each player gets a turn and employees respond to prompts they can relate to.
  6. Any player who still has fingers up at the end of the game wins a prize.

To make this activity more engaging, encourage teammates to opt for questions that other colleagues can relate to. This activity is one of the best fun virtual team meeting ideas because it helps foster team bonding and create a fun environment.

12. Dress Up Day

Dress Up Day is a fun activity you can add to your next team meeting or conference. In this activity, employees will showcase their sense of style by dressing up in their favorite costumes or uniforms. This activity allows employees to express themselves without words.

To organize this activity:

  1. Announce the activity several days before to give employees enough time to prepare.
  2. Choose a theme for the event. Some great ideas include Disney, Hollywood, or Marvel.
  3. The teammates will attend the meeting dressed as their favorite characters.
  4. At the end of the meeting, colleagues can vote for the best costume.
  5. Award prizes to the best-dressed teammate and runners-up.

During the game, you may also encourage participants to act like the character they are dressed as throughout the meeting. Participants who can stay in character the longest and teammates with the best imitations win. Dress Up Days are one of the most fun team meeting activities, especially when prizes are involved!

13. Say Your Name Backward

Say Your Name Backward is an exciting activity that encourages employees to think actively. This game is great for new teams who are still trying to learn each other’s names.

To organize this activity:

  1. Each participant will write their name backward on slips of paper. The players will put a gap between each letter of their name to make the word harder for colleagues to guess.
  2. Players will toss the names into a bowl and pass it around.
  3. Set a timer for ten seconds.
  4. The first player will pick a name from the bowl and call the letters out one at a time.
  5. The player will then attempt to guess the name correctly before the timer runs out.
  6. Participants will get a point for every correct answer.
  7. At the end of the game, the player with the highest number of points wins.

Also, note that players with names that have three letters or shorter must choose an alias. The colleagues must then guess which alias represents their teammates. This activity is a great way for employees to introduce each other during meetings with new team members or partners.

14. Copycat Game

Copycat Game where two employees play the role of a “guesser” and “copycat.” The guesser will try to figure out who the copycat is by observing other teammates’ actions.

To organize this activity:

  1. Provide a deck of cards.
  2. Each player will draw a card from the deck, and the player who draws the highest number will be the “copycat.” The player who draws the smallest number will be the “guesser.” It is important that the players do not share the number on their cards.
  3. The guesser will leave the room for a few minutes.
  4. Players will then sit in a circle with the copycat.
  5. The guesser will reenter the room and join the circle.
  6. The copycat will secretly make a gesture that the other players must imitate.
  7. The players will continue to follow these prompts until the guesser catches the copycat.
  8. When the guesser catches the copycat, the players will draw cards from a deck again to find another copycat and guesser.
  9. The game will continue in this manner until each player gets a turn.

To make this activity even more engaging, you can split the players into two opposing groups. The first group can be the guesser who attempts to find the copycat in the rival team. After the first round, the teams can then switch roles.

15. Paper Plane Challenge

Paper Plane Challenge is among the best fun team meeting games that help spice up office gatherings. In this activity, employees will attempt to create paper planes and have them fly off. This activity is a great way to boost creativity among workers.

To organize this activity:

  1. Provide materials such as paper, pencils, glue, and markers.
  2. Set a timer for five minutes.
  3. The players must create paper planes using the provided tools before the timer runs out.
  4. Mark a line over a certain distance.
  5. When the timer is up, the players will attempt to get their planes to fly over the marked distance.
  6. The player whose plane flies the farthest distance wins the game.

To make this game even more fun, you can encourage players to design their planes artistically and give prizes to the most creative designs. This activity allows employees to have fun while building good work relationships with colleagues.

16. Quiet Building Game

Quiet Building Game is an exciting activity where colleagues must recreate famous structures using sticks and tape.

To organize this activity:

  1. Provide a bunch of sticks and tape for each player.
  2. Choose a famous structure, like the Great Wall of China or the Statue of Liberty. You could even choose your office building!
  3. Set a timer for 15 to 30 minutes.
  4. Players must attempt to recreate the structure using the provided tools before the timer runs out.
  5. The players must remain quiet throughout this entire exercise.
  6. Once the timer is up, the teammates will take a vote for which structure is more like the original.
  7. The player whose structure gets the most votes wins.

To make this activity more interesting, any player who talks during the exercise will get removed from the game. This activity is great for teaching employees to pay attention and focus on a specific activity.

17. Captain Treasure

Captain Treasure is a great activity where players will choose a captain to secure their treasure at all costs while other team members attempt to steal it.

To organize this activity:

  1. Place a treasure under a chair. The treasure can be any item, like a ball, mug, or bag.
  2. Choose a participant to play the captain.
  3. Set a timer for ten minutes.
  4. Blindfold the captain.
  5. The captain will sit on the chair and attempt to secure the treasure while other players try to steal it.
  6. The players will reach for the treasure but ensure the captain does not touch them.
  7. Any player the captain touches or holds is out of the game.
  8. The first player to steal the treasure before the timer runs out wins the game.

If the players do not steal the treasure before the timer runs out, then the players must start the game again. This activity is a great way to encourage workers to think strategically and apply teamwork to difficult situations.

18. Embarrassing Photo Contest

Embarrassing Photo Contest is a fun game where colleagues share their most embarrassing photos. This activity is a great way to make teammates comfortable with each other and help build a more cohesive workforce.

To organize this activity:

  1. Encourage employees to find their most embarrassing or awkward photo.
  2. The teammates will take turns sharing their most embarrassing pictures and the story or circumstances around the image.
  3. At the end of this activity, colleagues will vote for the funniest photo and accompanying story.
  4. The teammate with the most votes wins the game.

To make this activity even more engaging and fun, you can offer rewards or create goofy certificates for the winning employee. This activity is a great way to promote laughter, directly improving employees’ moods and leading to a more productive workforce.

19. Marshmallow Game

Marshmallow Game is an exciting game that challenges employees to build a freestanding structure. This activity is an effective way of improving team collaboration and building a dedicated team.

To organize this activity:

  1. Provide materials like spaghetti, marshmallows, tape, and strings.
  2. Split the players into teams.
  3. Set a timer for ten to 20 minutes.
  4. Each team will attempt to create any structure using the provided materials.
  5. The teams will get more points for taller structures.
  6. When the game ends, the team with the tallest freestanding structure wins.

This activity is a great test of patience and an easy way to teach colleagues to work together to achieve a common goal.

20. Caption This Challenge

Caption This Challenge is a fun activity where employees must think of fitting captions for different images displayed on a screen.

To organize this activity:

  1. Compile various images in a folder. You can choose random images, like cats or folks performing activities. To integrate this with your presentation, choose pictures that match your meeting topic.
  2. Share the images in a slide show.
  3. The colleagues will take turns creating a suitable caption for each image.
  4. Players will vote for the best caption.
  5. The teammate with the most votes wins a point.
  6. The player with the highest number of points wins the game.

This activity is a fun way to break the ice at the start of a meeting and create a fun environment where players can be themselves. Also, if you come up with fun work-related memes, then you can post them on your interoffice communication channels or social media pages.

21. Chopsticks Candy Game

Chopsticks Candy Game is a fun and interactive game that challenges employees to transfer as many candies as possible into a bowl using only chopsticks.

To organize this activity:

  1. Place a large bowl filled with candy on a table.
  2. Give each player a pair of chopsticks and an empty bowl.
  3. Set a timer for three to five minutes.
  4. Players will use chopsticks to transfer as many pieces of candy as possible from the table to the bowl.
  5. When the timer is up, the player with the most candy wins.

During this activity, make sure employees place their free hands behind them. This way, the players have a lower chance of cheating.

22. Coloring Books

Coloring Books are among the best positive staff meeting ideas to engage employees. These coloring books are a great way to improve workers’ concentration and attention span.

To organize this activity:

  1. Share coloring books with all participants.
  2. Provide coloring materials such as crayons or coloring pencils.
  3. Set a timer for ten minutes.
  4. Let the team color a picture.
  5. At the end of the session, you may reward teammates with the best art.

These coloring sessions serve as an outlet for employees to ease stress and show their creative sides. This activity is a great way to alleviate tension at the start of a meeting or a great way to close sessions so attendees can relax. Some colleagues listen better if their hands are active, so you may even consider letting attendees color during your session.


Fun meeting ideas are exciting and engaging activities that help to make team meetings and conferences lively. These activities help to keep colleagues engaged, boost team performances, and improve team cooperation. Additionally, you may use these activities to learn more about your meeting attendees and their feelings. Even better, some of these games facilitate brainstorming, which may help you generate ideas for your next project. Regardless of your chosen activity, rest assured that your team will loosen up, resulting in a more productive meeting.

Next up, check out these articles on virtual lunch and learn topics, sales meeting tips, and the best virtual meeting platforms.

FAQ: Fun meeting ideas and activities

Here are frequently asked questions about fun meeting ideas and activities.

What are fun meeting ideas?

Fun meeting ideas are engaging games and activities that help to make meetings interesting. These activities help lighten the mood at conferences.

What are some good fun meeting ideas?

Some good fun meeting ideas are Caption This Challenge, Chopsticks Candy Game, Marshmallow Game, and Word Relation.

How do you engage employees during office meetings?

You can engage employees during office meetings by adding fun and energizing activities, choosing fun icebreaker games to lighten the mood, and splitting the players into teams to make the games more competitive.

written with 💖 by Tasia Duske

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