Museum Hack News

Stay up-to-date on all the fun happenings at Museum Hack as the company continues to grow and expand into cool new cities and museums.

Museum Hack News
Tasia Duske

How Museum Hack went from $2.8 million per year to zero in 3 days

A few weeks ago we got the first call from a museum partner: they were canceling group gatherings, including all third party tours. Over the next few days, every museum we operate in announced closures. First for a few days, then for a few weeks, and now for at least a few months. At the […]

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Taylor Gmahling

Lessons From Visiting Museums Abroad

Our Los Angeles tour guide extraordinaire, Adrian, recently took a trip across the pond where she visited some incredible museums in the UK, France, and Germany.

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Museum Hack News
Museum Hack

We got ripped off by a huge company. Again.

Last summer we were shocked to find one of the world’s largest media companies piggy-backing on our small brand. It appeared this company was using the Museum Hack trademark, without permission, to increase traffic to their website. Heads up — today’s article outlines that media company’s continued disregard for good business practice and laws. The […]

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Team Building Resources
Museum Hack

The “People Investment” That Can 10x Your Team

Nick Gray is Museum Hack’s CEO and Founder. He works with businesses and museums around the world on creating unique and innovative experiences that bond teams and engage audiences. Today, he shares ideas on how he fosters growth and creativity within the Museum Hack team. Three months ago I had a Eureka moment… “The best investment I can make […]

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Museum Hack News
Museum Hack

Our first ever TEDx Talk on why museums are awesome!

Watch our TEDx talk to find out more about: How Museum Hack started. How gossip, games and guides make our tours different. Nick’s love for magical gold, an ancient baby Jesus, and sexy jasper lips. Or read below for a transcript of the video.

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