44 Tips for Building Stronger Teams

Marketing Manager
Corporate November 20, 2022 44 Tips for Building Stronger Teams

Building strong, cohesive, and powerful teams can be a daunting task. From team building activities to creating a positive company culture, the ways to boost performance and help teams succeed are endless – which is why we’ve compiled a list of our favorite tips for creating – and sustaining – strong teams.

Read on to find out how these simple tricks can help you create an amazing team to benefit your company.

Focusing on building a strong team now will pay dividends later.

Give Your Team a Reason to Invest in You

  • Show your teams that you value them. Teams often perform better if they know they are valued and feel the work that they do matters. Be creative and show your teams how important they are to overall company success.
  • Develop unique and awesome rewards. Being rewarded for a job well done always feels good, so get creative with the kind of rewards to give. Treat the whole team by hosting a cocktail hour or take them to a yummy lunch. Think of fun and uniques ways to reward hard work. Rewards don’t necessarily have to have monetary value like bonuses.
  • Showcase big AND smalls wins within your team. Don’t forget that celebrating big wins is awesome, but recognizing small wins is important, too. Celebrating small wins like an awesome article or positive client feedback are important to fueling motivation and boosting performance.
  • Encourage team members to congratulate each other. This type of camaraderie and pride is great for making your teams stronger. If your team is remote try creating a space for positive feedback and small wins where employees can share something AWESOME a co-worker did or accomplished.
  • Help your teams recognize each other’s strengths. If someone is particularly good at one task or process, let it be known! Then this person can become a go-to for other team members to get assistance.
  • Provide professional development options. Show your team they are appreciated by investing in their futures. Paying or providing professional development courses is a great way to do this.
The right team building activity can make all the difference.

Encourage, promote and facilitate team building

  • Team building doesn’t always have to be work related. Having a business purpose like “building leadership skills” or “improving communication” is important, but sometimes it’s okay to just grab a cocktail and talk life.
  • Do virtual team building too. Your team doesn’t have to be local to do team building. You can do remote team bonding too. Check out this list of activities and games you can do with virtual teams.
  • Don’t leave any team members behind. Sometimes it can be difficult to get teams together outside of work hours. When planning team building events think about doing them during work-day-hours or cater to your employees’ personal lives by providing services like child care or a car service during the activity.  This gives everyone the opportunity to get involved.
  • Create a safe and open environment so everyone feels comfortable sharing. Teams are normally made up of an array of personality types: introverts, extroverts, ambiverts (that’s someone who has both introvert and extrovert qualities) – so don’t forget to plan activities and organize meetings in a way that embraces all personalities. Everyone should feel comfortable participating or get a chance to speak.
  • Bring in team building experts. There are fun, free activities you can do at the office, but for the greatest impact, mix these up with credible service providers.
  • Make events and team building activities irresistible. If you plan activities that  are creative, awesome and exciting, your teams won’t think twice about participating.
  • Team build on the regular, not just once in awhile. The secret to team building is making sure it isn’t just a once a year type of thing. Remember to invest in team building is to invest in your team and the overall success of your company. So don’t skimp!
  • Live that company retreat life. Even if only once a year, paid trips or group retreats yearly can really boost company pride and refresh teams – especially for new team members.
  • Don’t forget mini-team building activities, like icebreakers which can be done before meetings. Pro tip: Great team building CAN be done at the office. Check out the only list of icebreakers you will ever need.
  • Invest in training your teams as a group.  Group trainings are great for learning a skill together, but also great for overall team bonding.
Make your office a place where your employees actually want to be.

Strive for Unbeatable Company Culture

  • Embrace flexibility.  Whether you are a company made up of completely remote employees or a company just starting to embrace alternative work options, flexibly is your friend. Flexible work hours can help employees feel more in control and even boost morale.
  • Allow everyone to be heard. As an employee, knowing you have a voice in the company and that your opinion matters can be a big driving force for success and loyalty.
  • Short-term projects are important too. Don’t forget to do mini-team building activities during or after short term projects to help encourage creativity and bonding.
  • Keep everything relevant and up-to-date. From company directories to company policies, there are a lot of documents your employees will need to keep track of. Make sure when changes are made – documents are updated properly and employees are notified.
  • Build trust. We’re all human and trust is important factor in our person and work lives. Remember to communicate and show your team they can rely on you.
  • Stress and worry are natural – recognize them. We all get a little stressed, and when it comes to workplace stress – it’s better not to avoid it. Acknowledge the root cause and work it out.
  • Eliminate inefficient processes. Create a quarterly feedback survey and ask your employees what processes they find work the best and what ones need to go.
  • Make sure new workers are welcomed, properly introduced and woven into in the fibers of your company. Being new anywhere can be scary; make sure all new employees are welcomed and have everything they need to get acclimated.
  • Make the workplace welcoming. Creating a workplace that thrives on positive energy is key.
  • Invest in Human Resources. A strong HR Department is critical to any business, even if your company is small. Make sure to invest in a great HR leader and strive to create the best HR department ever.
  • No failure, only feedback. At Museum Hack, part of our ethos is ‘No Failure; Only Feedback,” which allows us to explore new opportunities without worrying too much about a negative outcome.
  • Have GREAT leaders and managers. A great leader or awesome manager can do wonders the success of a team. Provide leadership training to managers to help them be the best they can be.
  • Practice, teach and get better at problem solving. Encourage your teams to try creative problem solving and solve problems on their own first. This can help make them become more confident in their roles.
  • Feedback. Feedback. Feedback. Check-ins, team surveys, team meetings and other weekly or monthly one-to-ones are great for keeping an open line of communication.
  • Test drive new ideas and processes. Try out new ways of doing things! Get creative and encourage your teams to be creative too.
  • Transparency can be a powerful tool; embrace it. Transparency from a leader or boss can incite respect, loyalty and confidence in employees.
Embrace technology – and use it to your advantage.

Practice Creativity and Make Room for Serendipity

  • Encourage non-work related social time amongst employees. Talking about things other than work is great for helping your team to get to know each other, which helps build trust and create stronger bonds.
  • Don’t forget to HAVE FUN! Having fun boost energy levels and can even help spur creativity and inspiration.
  • Create space for serendipity by inspiring your teams.  Introducing your employees to new spaces can help get creativity flowing.
  • Change up the environment or office location to refresh perspectives and brainstorming. Offices can get stuffy and letting your employees work from a co-working space or another environment may actually help them bring fresh perspectives to their work.
  • Give teams the literal tools they need to succeed. Whether this means professional development, training or even just the right kind of software or technology, setting your team up for success can often start with giving them the right building blocks.
  • Create room for friendly competition, even if it isn’t work related. Tip: Try a strength or skill testing exercise as a group like axe throwing or cooking.
  • Encourage collaboration! If you create an environment that promotes collaboration, your teams will share ideas, create new ones, and help each other do their best and make decisions.
  • Experience new things as a group. Try taking your team on a  team building museum tour to stir up critical thinking and fresh ideas.
The bottom line: an investment in your people is an investment in your company.

Change, Shift, Transform

  • Embrace Social Media. Don’t forget that social media can be a great tool to use for team building, promoting company culture and showing your employees how much they are valued, within the company and to the world.
  • Create a thick presence. Focus on creating a strong presence in a few great places rather than having a “thin presence” everywhere.
  • Embrace diverse job backgrounds and job histories. Just because someone doesn’t have the specific background for their job doesn’t mean they won’t bring something new to the position or be able to excel it.
  • Create an open, safe, and positive environment for all of your team members, making the workplace somewhere they actually want to be.
written with 💖 by Carly Hill

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